Scones X2 – Chocolate Chip & Cheese
I’ve always loved scones … specifically, blueberry scones with a hot cup of coffee on a Sunday morning before the rest of the house wakes up. I made...
Round Cheese Bread
It was a cool and rainy Friday morning and I was on my last day of vacation. It had been wonderful. I was hoping to spend the day outside, puttering...
Valentine Sugar Cookies
Here is a Happy Valentines Day bonus!! I am very creative and I was inspired to learn how to decorate cookies with Run Sugar which is flowable Royal...
Ham and Cheese Pizza Buns
Starting my home bakery business has taught me so much about who I am as a baker. The things I love to bake have shone brighter to me with...
Pizza Spread
Okay, Chickens … we’re going off script today! You will find that I will go off script every once in a while. This means that my bake will not come...
Almond Puff
When I think of the recipe card for Almond Puff in my grandma’s kitchen, I picture it to be one of those well-worn cards speckled with the contents...
Dutch Apple Pie
We’ve come to probably my favorite chapter in life … PIE! I will take pie over almost anything. And I’m a purist … no ice cream or whipped cream....
Raspberry Ricotta Cake
When my kids were in elementary school, a few of the moms hosted a dinner for all the moms at the school and it was always a great evening. The menu...
Banana Chip Muffins
I have a question for you, Chickens: do you always seem to have bunches of black bananas in your freezer? It seems like we eat a lot of bananas and...
South African Bobotie
Our first guest peep is Nici from Whitewood, Saskatchewan. Nici is the daughter of one of my dearest friends, Tamara, and she is a fantastic baker....
Golden Lemon-glazed Cheesecake
Mmm… cheesecake! What’s my favorite thing about cheesecake? A great graham cracker crust! You know the kind … the crispy, sweet and buttery thick...
Blueberry Sour Cream Pound Cake
Hello Chickens! Today we’re in the Cakes chapter of our book. I had planned to make a Coconut Layer Cake; but, Norma is away this week and she love,...
Marbled Chocolate Cheesecake Bars
Hello Chickens! This week we’re moving to the Bars & Brownies section of our cookbook. When I think of bars or squares, I think of summer....
Double Chocolate Crisps
Before we get started today, I want to introduce you to the other Kitchen Chicken … “Norma”. This isn’t her real name but it is a name that is very...