by a Kitchen Chicken | Jun 12, 2020 | Banana, Cakes
This week has been … well, interesting! And hard! Living so close to the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, we can have snow every month of the year! But this week, we had cold. And I mean REALLY cold … -38C through the night! Norma was moving and had to stay in a short-term...
by the Boston Chicken | Apr 8, 2020 | Banana, Cakes, Guest Chicken
A perfect recipe for those times when you have a bunch of ripe bananas and you want a treat!! This is a lovely, moist cake that needs just a skim of vanilla (or cream cheese) icing. Enjoy!! I have also made this as a layer cake for bigger celebrations. I find the flat...
by Guest Chicken Melissa Hooson | Mar 11, 2020 | Banana, Chocolate, Cookies, Guest Chicken
I read a lot of harlequin romance novels as a teenager and I learned a LOT! It seemed that if you wanted the man you had better be a bold, voluptuous baker with a sketchy past. Now there’s a recipe for getting that man to the altar! Fast forward 20+ years (that was...
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